Recommended | report view |
Optional | sort ascending or sort descending |
CListCtrlData (CListCtrl* pListCtrl, LPARAM lParam = 0);
pListCtrl |
pointer to a list control |
lParam |
application-specific data |
CListCtrlData (int nCols = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
nCols |
number of columns in the list control |
lParam |
application-specific data |
CListCtrlData (CStringArray& saCols, LPARAM lParam
= 0);
saCols |
reference to a string array |
lParam |
application-specific data |
void SetAt (int nCol, LPCTSTR newElement);
Sets the string at the specified column to the specified value.
nCol |
column number |
newElement |
pointer to a string |
virtual CString GetAt (int nCol) const;
Returns the string at the specified column.
nCol |
a column in the list control |
void SetLParam (LPARAM lParam);
Sets the application-specific data to the specified value.
lParam |
application-specific data |
LPARAM GetLParam() const;
Returns the application-specific data.
CListCtrlOrder (CStringOrder* pStringOrder = nullptr,
bool bHandleDelete = true);
pStringOrder |
pointer to a string-order object |
bHandleDelete |
specifies whether to delete this string-order object |
void SetStringOrder (CStringOrder* pStringOrder, bool
bHandleDelete = true);
Sets the string-order to the specified value.
pStringOrder |
pointer to a string-order object |
bHandleDelete |
specifies whether to delete this string-order object |
bool ValidStringOrder()
Returns true if the string-order object is not null.
CStringOrder* GetStringOrder();
Returns the string-order object.
void SetValues (int nCol, bool bReverse);
Sets values for sorting.
nCol |
a column in the list control |
bReverse |
flag for sorting in reverse order |
virtual int Compare (LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2);
Returns an integer that specifies order of the strings based on the corresponding data items.
lParam1 |
pointer to the first data item |
lParam2 |
pointer to the second data item |
CSortListCtrl (CListCtrlOrder* pListCtrlOrder =
nullptr, bool bHandleDelete = true);
pListCtrlOrder |
pointer to a sort-order object |
bHandleDelete |
specifies whether to delete this sort-order object |
CSortListCtrl (CStringOrder* pStringOrder, bool
bHandleDeleteInner = true, bool bHandleDeleteOuter = true);
pListCtrlOrder |
pointer to a string-order object |
bHandleDeleteInner |
specifies whether to delete this string-order object |
bHandleDeleteOuter |
specifies whether to delete the sort-order object |
void SetSortOrder (CListCtrlOrder* pListCtrlOrder, bool
bHandleDelete = true);
Sets the sort-order to the specified value.
pListCtrlOrder |
pointer to sort-order object |
bHandleDelete |
specifies whether to delete this sort-order object |
void SetStringOrder (CStringOrder* pStringOrder, bool
bHandleDelete = true);
Sets the string-order to the specified value.
pStringOrder |
pointer to string-order object |
bHandleDelete |
specifies whether to delete this string-order object |
void Sort (int nCol = 0, bool bReverse = false);
Sorts the specified column in the specified direction.
nCol |
a column in the list control |
bReverse |
flag for sorting in reverse order |
void SetColSorted (int nCol = 0, bool bReverse = false);
Specifies that a column is sorted in the specified direction.
nCol |
a column in the list control |
bReverse |
flag for sorting in reverse order |
void SuspendColSort (bool bSuspend);
Suspends or resumes allowing column sorting.
Note: The column buttons can still be pressed
when column sorting is suspended. To deactivate them, use
something like the following:
m_lc.GetHeaderCtrl()->EnableWindow (!bSuspend);
bSuspend |
flag for suspending column sorting |
int InsertItem (int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem,
CListCtrlData* pListCtrlData = nullptr);
int InsertItem (int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int
nImage, CListCtrlData* pListCtrlData = nullptr);
int InsertItem (UINT nMask, int nItem, LPCTSTR
lpszItem, UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, int nImage, LPARAM
lParam, CListCtrlData* pListCtrlData = nullptr);
int InsertItem (LVITEM* pItem, CListCtrlData*
pListCtrlData = nullptr);
Same as for CListCtrl with an optional parameter for specifying a list-control data item
BOOL DeleteItem (int nItem);
BOOL SetItemData (int nItem, DWORD dwData);
DWORD GetItemData (int nItem) const;
Same as for CListCtrl
int SetItemDataObjPtr (int nIndex, CListCtrlData*
Stores user data as a pointer to a CListCtrlData object.
Copies the data values from the old data object and deletes it. pListCtrlData
should be from a subclass of CListCtrlData.
nIndex |
index into the list control |
pListCtrlData |
pointer to a data object |
CListCtrlData* GetItemDataObjPtr (int nIndex) const;
Retrieves user data as a pointer to a CListCtrlData object.
nIndex |
index into the list control |